Use "tidy|tidied|tidies|tidying" in a sentence

1. Tragedy gets tidied away - mortal injuries subside.

2. All it needs is some tidying up.

3. 16 A tidy tiger angry a tie bounder to tidy her tiny appendage.

4. Tidy up now.

5. She tidied her hair and looked at him tenderly.

6. 27 I was set to work tidying the bookshelves.

7. A tidy tiger angry a tie bounder to tidy her tiny appendage.

8. This invention relates to the tidying solution for the spin industrial area, which is special about the cockle protection and permanent press tidying solution.

9. A tidy tiger tied a tie to tidy her tiny tail.

10. 23 He's trying to get out of tidying his room.

11. Keep it tidy.

12. Tidy up the room.

13. He's run out of excuses for not tidying his room.

14. 25 In the sentence 'I tidied up the room', the adverb 'up' is a particle.

15. Tidying the house in the morning fell into an easy rhythm.

16. 28 He's run out of excuses for not tidying his room.

17. Burgomastership Vacuum the room tidy

18. Let's tidy up the room.

19. His bedroom was not very tidy.

20. She keeps her flat very tidy .

21. I must just tidy up a bit.

22. Keep kitchen surfaces clean and tidy.

23. Magda immediately began to tidy up.

24. His son was in the workshop, tidying up his father’s woodworking tools.

25. I was rushing around madly tidying up the flat before they arrived.

26. The house was clean and tidy.

27. Her boudoir is clean and tidy.

28. We'd better get the place tidied up; the top brass are coming tomorrow.

29. 18 The sitting room is fairly tidy.

30. I was shown into a tidy living room.

31. That unpleasantness is all tidied away in the past, thank you very much.

32. Clutter increases the risk of accidents, so nag your youngsters into tidying up!

33. Can you tidy away your clothes, please?

34. He made a tidy fortune in cigarettes.

35. I try to keep the garden tidy .

36. Finish tidying beds. Make room in the greenhouse for first batches of potted roses.

37. Freeing teachers from time consuming domestic tasks such as tidying, cleaning and repairing equipment?

38. Wastepaper bins, desk tidies, desk drawers, lunch boxes, jewellery boxes, storage boxes, money boxes, door signs

39. 26 In the sentence 'I tidied up the room', the adverb 'up' is a particle.

40. The kitchen and scullery had been swept and tidied up, and all the beds made.

41. Be sure to tidy up before going out.

42. 20 After tidying up face with warm water, daub the liniment and massage gently.

43. Mr. Seo made a tidy sum from the royalties.

44. It was a neatly furnished and immaculately tidy room.

45. We use a comb to tidy our hair.

46. I like everything to be neat and tidy.

47. You'd better tidy up before the guests arrive.

48. He washed up and tidied up, and put the baize cover back on the table.

49. Tidy Boots is very fussy about his footwear.

50. Tidy the room up before the guests arrive.

51. Why does nothing ever stay tidy around here?

52. It's your turn to tidy up the room.

53. This weekend I tidied up the main Categorised Apothecary's Drawer pages, pruned dead links, etc.

54. 14 After tidying up face with warm water,( daub the liniment and massage gently.

55. She left a tidy fortune when she died.

56. They sat in her neat and tidy kitchen.

57. The kitchen is almost abnormally clean and tidy.

58. Your room is a shambles. Tidy it up!

59. 3 She's obsessively tidy, always hoovering and polishing.

60. A clean, tidy home reflects well on the whole family.

61. The real value, however, is in a general tidying up of the interface to ensure portability.

62. Jane put Chantal down in her makeshift cradle in the corner and hastily tidied herself up.

63. Clang-tidy is a Clang-based C++ “linter” tool

64. 19 They sat in her neat and tidy kitchen.

65. Be sure to leave the room neat and tidy.

66. We use a comb to tidy our hair.

67. Keeping a garden tidy is a full-time job.

68. I've got to tidy my room. What a fag!

69. Beautiful. Please tidy up my eyebrows and darken them.

70. So, in the tidied-up version we have a sort of Keith Haring spare parts shop.

71. So, in the tidied- up version we have a sort of Keith Haring spare parts shop.

72. When not in use they my be tidied away forward and secured to the shroud anchorages.

73. Aroma spa is clean, tidy, and has warm lighting

74. Sue has a real fetish about keeping everything tidy.

75. Your room is in a mess. Please tidy it.

76. Leave bedclothes clean and tidy and remove soiled linen.

77. They usually like to tidy up their own mess.

78. It was unnatural for the room to be so tidy.

79. I can't stand this slum any longer, tidy it up!

80. Day 15 Tidy up boats, cafe breakfast, bus to airport.